Two Engineers Hug and Die on Top of a Burning Wind Turbine

Two Engineers Trapped on Top of a Wind Turbine Set on Fire, Hug Each Other for the Last Time

In a heart-wrenching incident, two out of four maintenance engineers were stuck on a 67-meter wind turbine generator. Both engineers, standing on top of the burning turbine, hugged each other for the last time, knowing they were going to die. The more heartbreaking part of this story is that both engineers were just 19 and 21 years old.

Two Engineer on the Top of Burning Wing Turbine

The tragic incident took place in a wind farm in Ooltgensplaat, Netherlands, on 29 October 2013. During routine maintenance operations, a sudden fire emerged in the generator. The main cause of the fire was unknown but was believed to be a short circuit.

According to news reports, four technicians were at a height of 67 meters in a gondola next to the wind turbine when the flames overwhelmed them. They could not escape in time. One of them jumped and was found in the field next to the turbine, while the second victim was trapped in the blazing flames. Two other technicians were able to reach the ground safely during a rescue operation carried out by a special firefighter team.

A heart-wrenching photograph of the two young Dutch engineers went viral on the internet, bringing many to tears as they saw the two share one last hug during the fire, with no way to escape but to confront a horrible death.

In the intense situation, one of the crew jumped off while the other stayed to face the blazing flames. Sadly, neither was able to survive, and they died on the spot.

This is why we will never forget those heroes (electrical engineers, electricians, technicians, maintenance crews, or linemen) who light up our homes, no matter the snow, rain, sleet, shine, darkness, or other tough weather conditions. Even when they sacrifice their lives due to multiple accidents, such as electric shocks and hazardous fires for us.

They will always be remembered in our memories for life. Hats off to them.

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One Comment

  1. Can’t they put some chemicals , water or ? Sprinklers in there better be safe than what happened here. R.I.P.

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