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Smart WiFi Circuit Breaker – Construction, Installation and Working

How to Wire a Smart Wi-Fi Circuit Breaker? – Automatic Remote Control Protection

In the era of  4G, and 5G, smartphones are equipped with music players, cameras, email, internet connections, and the ability to make calls to friends and relatives.

But why discuss phone calls when we’re supposed to be talking about circuit breakers and protection? Well, if smartphones can handle all these important tasks, why can’t we use them to control our circuit breakers? Electricians and sparkies are just as tech-savvy as anyone else. So, we should welcome smart home automation as well.

Smart WiFi Circuit Breaker - Automatic Remote Control Protection

So you got the idea that we are talking about smart Wi-Fi remote control circuit breakers. Yes, they exist. The smart Wi-Fi circuit breaker can control the on/off position through ISC when connected to Wi-Fi and an active internet connection router.

We will be talking about the Single Pole (1P), Two Pole (2P), Three Pole (3P), and Four Pole (4P) Smart Wi-Fi Circuit breakers with ratings and specifications.

Specification and Characteristic Rating of Smart Wi-Fi MCB

All the above-mentioned Wi-Fi circuit breakers have the following features:

  • Smart Wi-Fi Automatic Circuit breakers can be used for short circuit and overvoltage protection.
  • They can be controlled remotely from anywhere and anytime as they are connected to a smartphone through Wi-Fi.
  • They are compatible with Google Assistant, Google Nest, Amazon Alexa, and IFTTT, allowing control through voice commands using these devices.
  • They can be scheduled for on/off operation through the internet and mobile phones.
  • They provide surge, short circuit, and overload protection.
  • They also provide undervoltage and overvoltage protection.

Related Post: MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) – Construction, Working, Types and Applications

1P, 2P, 3P, 4P Smart WiFi Circuit Breakers

Following is the datasheet table with the rating and characteristics of the smart Wi-Fi circuit breaker.

Characteristics Rating
Standard IEC 60898-1 , GB10903.1
Pole Number 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated Current 10A, 16A ,20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 63A, 80A, 100A, 125A
Frame Grade Rated Current 125A
Rated Frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Rated Voltage Up t0 230V AC (1P, 2P) – 400V AC (3P, 4P)
Impact Withstand Voltage 6kV
Short Circuit Breaking Capacity 10kA
Tripping Characteristics Class C
Protection Grade IP20 (CE Certificate)
Antipollution Grade 2
Ambient Temperature -25 °C to +65 °C
Installation Category II, III
Installation Type Din Rail
Wi-Fi Range 2.4G Wi-Fi
Electrical Operation Life More than 6000 Times
Mechanical Operation Life More than 10000 Times

Obviously, this smart circuit breaker can be used to transform ordinary household wiring into a smart system with automation. For example, with scheduled operation, you can turn off and on a fan, heater, washing machine, water pump motor, etc., at specific times, and they can switch on/off automatically according to the schedule. The time setting can be done through a smartphone instead of manual operation.

Construction of Wi-Fi Circuit Breaker

Wi-Fi circuit breakers are similar to normal and ordinary circuit breakers except they have an antenna for Wi-Fi signals and a special mechanical switch mechanism for automatic on/off operation as shown in the following figure.

Construction of a Smart WiFi Circuit Breaker

The following figure shows the nameplate rating data of a Smart Wi-Fi MCB.

Nameplate data of Smart WiFi Circuit Breaker

How to Wire and Install a Smart Wi-Fi Circuit Breaker?

It is the same as an ordinary circuit breaker (which can be seen in our home distribution board) except for the antenna for remote control through Wi-Fi in the smart circuit breaker.

The upper portion is the input (Line and Neutral) while the lower is the output. In some cases, the incoming lines are connected to the lower portion in our home distribution boards. In that case, you may install the smart circuit breaker upside down in the existing distribution board for proper operation.

After installation, simply install the iOS or Android app by scanning the QR code on the product box. After installing the app, you can pair the device and set the automatic operation or scheduled time operation through the smartphone.

WiFi Circuit Breaker Remote Control through Smartphone

Note: If you are not sure how to install an MCB to the existing distribution board, contact a licensed electrician as playing with electricity is dangerous which leads to serious damage and injuries. For more details, refer to the user manual for step by step installation instruction.

Smart MCB Video:

YouTube video player

Applications of Smart Wi-Fi Circuit Breakers

Smart Wi-Fi Circuit breakers can be used to control and protect various types of electrical appliances remotely through a smartphone, such as water pump motors, electric heaters, electric water geysers, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, fans, bulbs, etc. They provide surge, short circuit, overload, and overvoltage protection.

Smart Home Automation through WiFi Circuit Breaker

It’s your turn now. Let us know in the comment box below your views and experiences with smart Wi-Fi circuit breakers. Will you go for it in the future, or will you stick to ordinary circuit breakers?

Safety Precautions:

Disconnect the main power supply before working on electrical circuits.

If you are unsure about any aspect of electrical work, seek help from a qualified electrician. Electrical work can be dangerous if not done correctly.

The author will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages resulting from the display or use of this information or any attempt to implement a circuit incorrectly. Therefore, exercise caution, as working with electricity poses inherent risks.

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  1. What make are they? The 18th edition regs say that you can only fit breakers that match the manufacturer of the board. All boards are slightly different and gone are the days we use to mix and match. Don’t get me wrong it’s a fantastic idea and glad they are finally here but need to make sure we still conform to current regs!!!

    1. It’s good in these modern technology.
      But there is a control switch in between circuit breaker & Appliance,so how could be operate it, it’s more good if same technology could be use between appliance and switch.

  2. Can this, or another product, be used for the mains breaker (breaker for incoming mains as opposed to individual house ciruits)? I have a need to be able to remotely control (wifi or ethernet is fine) the main breaker in the house.

  3. I’m impressed with the skills I have received from this field. I’m looking forward to do more projects with you.

  4. Hi,
    I can’t find any information how to reset this breaker to factory default settings. I would like change the WiFi router as the old one has to short range and device loosing connection.

  5. Not impressed being a ret master electrician 20 years in the field, A breaker is designed to trip when encountering a overload . short, etc and to find the problem first , and than manually re setting the breaker with your finger, This thing will wind up burning alot of house’s and buildings down . I would never use one ret or not just asking for trouble !

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