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Parallel Resistors Calculator

Resistance of Parallel Connected Resistors Calculator

Formula & Equations for Parallel Resistors Calculator

Finding Total Resistance (RT) when R1 and R2 are given;

1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2

RT = R1||R2

RT = R1 x R/ (R1 + R2)

Finding R1 when RT and R2 given;

R1 = R2× RT / (R2 – RT)

Finding R2 when RT and R1 given;

R2 = R× R/ (R1 – RT)

Parallel Resistors Calculator

Parallel Resistors Calculator

Enter any two values and Select Unit then Click on Calculate. Result will display the required Value.

Enter values:
Resistor R1:
Resistor R2:
Parallel Resistance RT:

Related Calculators:

Electrical Technology

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  1. Do you have a calculator that will find an unknown resistor value needed in a parallel circuit when you don’t have a correct value for one of the resistors to adjust the total needed resistor value?
    I have a needed total value but cannot find a resistor of the correct value
    I have a project that needs a total value of 50 ohms, but I have a 100 ohms resistor that is missing
    Rt = 50 ohms
    I do have a resistor that is 120 ohms (R1)
    What unknown resistor (R2) do I need to make the final resistance (Rt) value 50 ohms?

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