Introduction of Custom Power Devices For Power Quality Improvement

Power Quality Improvement using DSTATCOM, DVR & UPQC Devices


Power distribution systems, ideally, should provide their customers with an uninterrupted flow of energy at smooth sinusoidal voltage at the contracted magnitude level and frequency however, in practice, power systems, especially the distribution systems have numerous nonlinear loads, which significantly affect the quality of power supplies.

As a result of the nonlinear loads, the purity of the waveform of supplies is lost. This ends up producing many power quality problems. Power quality phenomenon or power quality disturbance can be defined as the deviation of the voltage and the current from its ideal waveform.

In electrical power system, voltage control performs an essential function to ensure the voltage interruptions like sag, swell and harmonics can be minimized and then increase the power quality, reliability and availability. According to IEC (International Electro-technical commissions) the voltage standard should be in the range of ±6% of the specified value of voltage.

To mitigate all the power quality problems number of power devices are used in power system.

Custom Power Devices

The Classification of custom power devices can be done into two major categories, one is network configuring type and the other is compensating type.

The network configuring type devices changes the configuration of the power system network for power quality enhancement. SSCL (Solid State Current Limiter), SSCB (Solid State Circuit Breaker) and SSTS (Solid State Transfer Switch) are the most representative in this category.

The compensating type devices are used for active filtering; load balancing, power factor correction and voltage regulation. Compensating devices include DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator), DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) and Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC).

In the power system, nonlinear loads results in production of harmonics due to which load current waveform gets distorted. The power-quality problems include voltage sags/swells, load voltage harmonic distortions, and unbalancing.

These three devices called Active Power Filter.

DSTATCOM – (Distribution Static Compensator)

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DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator)

DVR – (Dynamic Voltage Restorer)

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DVR - (Dynamic Voltage Restorer)

UPQC – (Unified Power Quality Conditioner)

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UPQC - Unified Power Quality Conditioner

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