What is a Thermistor? Types of Thermistors and Applications

Thermistor, Types, Working, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications

Temperature plays a vital role in the operation of any electronic circuit. Each electronic component has its thermal limit and safe operating temperature range that needs to be maintained for smooth and precise operation. To monitor the temperature, various sensors are used where a thermistor is an efficient and cost-effective solution.


What is a Thermistor - Types of Thermistors, Construction and Applications

What is a Thermistor?

The word “Thermistor” is a combination of the words “Thermal” and “resistor“. A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance changes with the change in temperature. It is a passive component that does not require an extra power source to operate. They are inexpensive and accurate in measuring temperature. But they do not operate well in extreme conditions such as very high or very low temperatures.

Thermistor Symbol

Each and every resistor’s resistance is affected by the change in temperature but its temperature coefficient is so low that the changes in its electrical properties are not that significant. On the other hand, thermistors having very high thermal coefficients are prone to significant electrical changes with temperature.

Working Principle

The thermistor is used for measuring temperature. The working principle behind the temperature measurement is its resistance.

A thermistor is made of semiconductor material whose resistance greatly depends on the surrounding temperature. They significantly vary with the temperature. Depending on the material used, the resistance may either increase or decrease with an increase in temperature called the PTC and NTC thermistor.

This change in resistance can be calibrated and measured to calculate the exact temperature of the environment in a circuit.

For accurate measurement, It is necessary to have maximum surface contact with the component or equipment. To maximize the thermal conductivity between the surfaces, special thermal paste is used between them.

Types of Thermistor

There are two types of thermistors

To understand the basic difference between PTC and NTC thermistors we can use this linear equation for the relation between the change in temperature and resistance.

dR = k dT


The temperature coefficient can be either positive or negative and it completely changes the electrical property of the component. A thermistor having a positive coefficient is called PTC while a negative coefficient thermistor is called NTC.

PTC Thermistor

PTC or Positive Temperature Coefficient thermistor is a type of thermistor whose resistance is directly proportional to the surrounding temperature. Its resistance increases with an increase in the temperature and decreases with a decrease in the temperature.

It is made of polycrystalline ceramic material. Its resistance increases non-linearly in a curve. The increase in resistance is very small at low temperatures which increases rapidly when the temperature reaches above the switching point (TR).

PTC Thermistor

The given symbol represents a PTC thermistor with (T+) to show the thermistor has a positive temperature coefficient.

Characteristic Curve

The characteristic curve of a thermistor shows the relation between the resistance (dependent – displayed on Y-axis) and the temperature (Independent – displayed on X-axis). Here is the characteristics curve of a PTC thermistor.

PTC Thermistor Characteristic Curve

Thermistors have rated resistance taken at 25° C. therefore, any PTC thermistors having a rated resistance is its resistance at 25° C.

Types of PTC Thermistor

There are two types of PTC thermistors

The silistor is a PTC thermistor made from silicon having the linear characteristic. The resistance increases linearly with the increase in the temperature.

Silistor Characteristic Curve

Switching Type PTC

The switching type PTC is a non-linear thermistor. It is made of a poly-crystalline ceramic body. It has a small NTC region where the resistance decreases a little with an increase in temperature up to a certain point called critical temperature or the curie temperature. After that point, the resistance increases exponentially with a slight increase in temperature. 

Switching type PTC Characteristic Curve

Advantages of PTC Thermistor

Here are some advantages of PTC thermistor

Disadvantages of PTC Thermistor

Here are some disadvantages of PTC thermistors.

Related Post: LVDT: Linear Variable Differential Transformer and Inductive Sensors

PTC Applications

Here are some applications of PTC thermistors.

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NTC Thermistor

As its name suggests, NTC or Negative temperature coefficient thermistor has a negative coefficient k. therefore, its resistance varies inversely with the temperature. The resistance decreases with an increase in temperature and vice versa. Here is the symbol of the NTC thermistor.

NTC Thermistor

NTC thermistors are made of oxides of nickel, cobalt, copper, iron and titanium. They usually operate at a very large range of temperature with very precise temperature monitoring.

They are mostly used in temperature sensing devices as opposed to PTC that are mostly used as current limiters.

Characteristics Curve

The following characteristic curve shows the comparison between the resistance and temperature of the NTC thermistor. The resistance varies non-linearly with the temperature change in a form of a curve.

NTC Thermistor Characteristic Curve

The given graph shows a drastic change in the resistance from a few ohms to mega ohms with a change in temperature thus offering precise temperature sensing and high sensitivity.

Advantages of NTC Thermistor

Here are some advantages of NTC thermistor

Disadvantages of NTC Thermistor

Here are some advantages of NTC thermistor

NTC Applications

The NTC thermistor is mainly used for measuring the temperature. Here are some of the applications of NTC thermistors:

Types of Thermistor based on Material

The thermistor can be shaped into three different types. Therefore, they are divided into the following types:

Bead Thermistor

As the name suggests, bead thermistors are manufactured in the shape of a bead. It is made of connecting the wire directly to the ceramic body. They offer better stability with a quick response time. Their structure allows it to operate at very high temperatures. To further protect it from mechanical damage, they are encapsulated in glass. They are the smallest in size which is why they have the quickest response time. But they have low current handling capabilities.

Bead Thermistor

Disc and Chip Style Thermistors

The body of such a thermistor is shaped in the form of a disc or chip. It has a larger metal surface. Due to its larger surface, they have a slower response time and have higher current handling capabilities than the bead type.

Disc & Chip Thermistor

Cylindrical Thermistor

Such thermistor’s body is pressed into a cylindrical shape. They have a larger size as compared to other types. They are robust and reliable.

Cylinderical Thermistor

Metalized Surface Thermistor

Such thermistors have metalized surface contacts instead of sintered lead wire as in the other mentioned types. They have radial or axial metal contacts that are used for directly connected or surface-mounting on a circuit board.

The thermistors are also divided based on the materials used. They improve their performance, durability and stability.

Glass Encapsulated Thermistors

The thermistors are sealed in a glass body to improve their operating temperature range. It is an air-tight glass body that improves its stability and protects it from mechanical damage. Glass encapsulated thermistors can operate at above 150° C.

Glass Encapsulated Thermistor

PAN Thermistor

The PAN thermistor is made from a special type of metal oxide that is extremely sensitive to temperature. It has very high accuracy with a tolerance up to ±0.2°C. It has a very quick response time with great precision.

It is a type of NTC thermistor used in industries for its accurate measurement. It has an operating range of 25° to 85° C.

Precision Interchangeable Thermistors

They are the most precise thermistor manufactured based on a specific characteristics curve. They are fast and have long-term stability with high-temperature accuracy. They offer interchangeability over the range of 0°C to 70°C. They do not require individual calibration. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Thermistors


Here are some advantages of thermistor


Here are some disadvantages of thermistor

Applications of Thermistor

Here are some applications of thermistor

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