How to Measure Capacitance using a Multimeter?

Measurement of Capacitance with a Digital Multimeter

To accurately measure the capacitance of a capacitor, you require expensive instruments such as an LCR meter which can measure Inductance (L), Capacitance (C) and resistance (R) accurately while keeping various parameters such as frequency into account. A digital multimeter (DMM) can also measure capacitance with some precision but their range is very low.


Capacitance is the ability of a capacitor to store energy in the form of an electrical charge. It stores it between two conducting plates separated by a dielectric film.

It is measure in Farad. One farad capacitance is equal to one coulomb of the charge stored in a capacitor when one volt of potential difference is applied. One farad is a very large unit. Therefore, capacitance is usually measured in microfarad (μF) and millifarad (mF).

Related Post: How to Test a Capacitor using Digital and Analog Multimeter – 6 Methods

Working Principle

A multimeter measures the capacitance by charging the capacitor with a known current. It basically measures the rate of rising of the voltage across the capacitor. The rate of voltage is inversely proportional to the capacitance.

IC = C dV/dt


If the voltage rise is slow, the capacitance is large and vice versa. DMMs do not support a wider range of capacitance measurements.

How to Measure Capacitance using Multimeter


Capacitors store charge even after removing the power supply. It is important to discharge a capacitor before touching it or connecting it to a meter. First of all, remove the power supply connected to the circuit. To safely discharge the capacitor, connect a resistor across its terminals. A decent capacitor has enough charge to shock a person and it may damage a meter by discharging through its internal circuit.

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Measuring Capacitance

Capacitance can be measured with inexpensive digital multimeters having capacitance “-|(-” or “F” measurement. it can provide a rough reading that is not very precise. For accurate measurement, LCR meter is used which is very expensive and they can even measure the capacitance when the capacitor is on board by using ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance)

As you know that using a digital or analog multimeter, we can measure multiple electrical quantities such as voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, frequency temperature and continuity, etc and testing electrical and electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors and cables & wires etc. In the following multimeter tutorial, we will show how to measure the exact value of capacitance of a capacitor using a DMM.

Method 1:

Here is a step by step guide for capacitance measurement using a digital multimeter

Discharging Capacitor

Capacitance measurement

Capacitance measurement 1

Capacitance measurement 2

Note: Some DMMs have dedicated ports for placing the capacitor as shown in the figure below.

Port for capacitance measurement

Capacitance measurement 3

Capacitance measurement 3

A non-polar capacitor does not have polarities. A polar capacitor has some identification of negative and positive terminal such as “a – marked strip near the negative terminal” or “the longer leg is the positive terminal”.

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Method 2:

To do this, you will need a battery (lower than the voltage rating of the desired capacitor), a known value of resistor (such as10kΩ)  and a stopwatch and a multimeter. Generally, the voltage rating is printed on the capacitor nameplate. We will charge the capacitor about 63.2% of the supply voltage and note the reading.

To do so, follow the following steps

Testing Capacitor using Digital Multimeter - By Measuring Time Constant τ Method

For example, We have a 16V, 470μF rated capacitor. if the supply voltage is 9V, then 63.2% of the supply voltage is around 5.7V. We will start to charge the capacitor and start the stopwatch as well. When the multimeter shows the 5.7V, We will stop the stopwatch and note the time in seconds. Suppose, the time was 4.7 seconds.

Now, Apply the time constant formula to calculate the value of capacitance.

τ = RC

C = τ / R

Where: C is capacitance, R is resistance in ohms and τ is the time in seconds.

Putting the values

Important Points

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Importance of Capacitance Measurement

The capacitors have a limited life span and their capacitance decreases with continuous use. It can affect the operation of the components in the system and in an extreme case, it may explode.

Note: This post has been published by

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