Resistance, Conductance, Impedance and Admittance Formulas

Formulas & Equations for Resistance, Conductance, Impedance & Admittance

Resistance, Conductance, Impedance and Admittance Formulas

Resistance Formulas

Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electrical current denoted by “R” and measured in ohms “Ω”. For any metal conductor “R” is given by:

R = ρl / A


Resistance Formulas in DC Circuits


Keep in mind that in pure resistive circuit (Where only and only resistors are used), electric resistance “R” is equal to the impedance “Z”. In other words, Resistance and impedance is the same thing in pure resistive circuits.

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Conductance Formulas

The conductance is the inverse of resistance. It is the allowance of the electrical current through a conductor, denoted by “G” and measured in Siemens represented by the symbol of “Mho” (℧).

G = σA / l


Impedance Formulas

The opposition of a circuit to the current when voltage is applied is impedance, denoted by “Z” and it is measured in Ohms (Ω).

Z = R + jX


Impedance in Pure resistive circuits:

Z2 = R2 + X2

Impedance in inductive circuits:

Z = √(R2 + XL2)

Impedance in capacities circuits:

Z = √(R2 + XC2)

Impedance in capacities and inductive circuits:

Z = √(R2 + (XL– XC)2


In addition,


Admittance Formulas

The inverse of Impedance is Admittance denoted by “Y” and it is measured in “Siemens” represented by the symbol of “℧” (Mho). Components of admittance can be calculated by the following formulas.

Y = 1 / Z

Y = G + JB


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