DC Generator Formulas and Equations

DC Series and Shunt Generator Formulas & Efficiency, Power & EMF Equations

The following basic DC generator formulas and equations can be used to design, simplify, and analyze the basic generator circuits to determine the power, efficiency, voltage & current, generated EMF, torque, losses etc.


DC Generator Formulas and Equations

Shunt Generator:

Terminal Voltage:

V = E– Ia Ra


Terminal Current:

Ia = If ­+ IL

where IIs the field current & Iis the load current

The Field Current:

­= V / Rsh


EMF Equation For DC Generator:

The EMF generated per conductor in a DC generator is:
EMF equation for DC generator

The EMF generated per path for a wave winding & lap-winding;
EMF generated per path for a wave winding & lap-winding
So the generalized equation for generated EMF of DC generator is:

E= kΦω


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Torque of DC Generator:

the torque of generator is directly proportional to the armature current & it is given by:

T = kfΦIa


angular speed of generator
Where N is the speed in Rotation Per Minute (RPM)

Power Generated & Load Power

The power generated by a shunt generator is given by:

P= ωT = EaIa


Where Iis the load current

Series Generator:

Terminal Voltage:

V = E– (Ia R+ Ia Rse)

V = E– Ia(R+ Rse)


The series field current is equal to the armature current;

I= Ise

Armature Induced Voltage & Torque:

The armature induced voltage Eis proportional to the speed & armature current whereas the torque T of series generator is directly proportional to the square of armature current & it is given by:

E= kfΦωIa

T = kΦ Ia2


angular speed of series generator
Where N is the speed in Rotation Per Minute (RPM)

Power Generated & Load Power

The power generated by a series generator is given by:

P= ωT = EaIa


Where Iis the load current

Input Power:

Pin = ωT


Converted Power:

Pcon = Pin – Stray losses – mechanical losses – core losses

Pcon = EaIa


Output Power

Pout = Pcon – Electrical losses (I2R)

Pout = VIL


Efficiency of DC Generator:

Mechanical Efficiency:

Mechanical efficiency of DC generator

Related Posts:

Electrical Efficiency:

Electrical Efficiency of DC generator

Overall Efficiency:

Overall Efficiency of dc generator

Maximum Efficiency:

The efficiency of the dc generator is Maximum, when;

Variable power loss = Constant power loss

Copper loss = Core & mechanical loss

Copper loss (I2R) such as armature and field copper loss are variable loss because they depend on current. While the core loss such as hysteresis and eddy current loss, mechanical loss such as friction losses are all constant losses.

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